
Training Video Segments on EarWell MD

Physicians and other healthcare professionals seeking information

—whether you are a current EarWell® provider, a prospective provider, or considering a patient referral—you will find the following videos and descriptions to assist you with the EarWell® on EarWellMD.com.
  • EarWell® Kit/Supplies
  • Pre-Procedure Info
  • Skin Preparation
  • Attaching the Posterior Cradle
  • Applying the Retractor
  • Inserting the Conchal Former
  • Attaching the Anterior Cradle


Learn the basic EarWell™ procedure

Identify techniques that are a departure from the standardized protocol

Troubleshoot issues or problems that you may have encountered

Access new and/or updated information

Share thoughts, insights and techniques with other physicians

Ask questions regarding the product and the procedure

INFORMATION YOU NEED ABOUT EARWELL™ Physicians and other healthcare professionals seeking information—whether you are a current EarWell™ provider, a prospective provider, or considering a patient referral—you will find those answers contained on these pages.

EARWELL™ PROVIDERS ACROSS THE GLOBE The hundreds of physicians conducting the procedure around the world have found EarWell™ to be a simple, fast, non-surgical and effective method of correcting infant ear deformity.

EASY TO LEARN + QUICK TO CONDUCT View the EarWell™ Training Video below to see how easily the procedure is learned—and conducted. The consistently successful outcomes usually result from the standardized protocol identified in that video.

WHAT TO DO WHEN STANDARD PROTOCOL REQUIRES VARIATION Ear deformities are frequently different in type and severity. Like most procedures, not all EarWell™ procedures can be successfully completed using the standardized protocol. Occasionally, variations are necessary when the patient presents with symptoms that are unusual or “outside the norm”.

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